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Life based learning

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 13 years, 10 months ago

Life based learning – a new framework for capability development  

Maret Staron, Senior Consultant with Mindful Creations, Sydney, Australia


Podcasts of the seminar can be found at the bottom of this page


The seminar considers some of the significant outcomes of a research project investigating professional development for the Knowledge Era undertaken in Australia. Professional development can at times seem a restrictive term: the preferred term is capability development which provides a better fit for the business context and the broad range of developmental approaches and strategies being proposed.


A new model for capability development is proposed called life-based learning. It is based on the proposition that learning for work is not restricted to learning at work and all learning is interrelated, so it is not easy to separate learning at work from the other types of learning adults do. Learning is a multi-dimensional experience and individuals have knowledge, skills and attributes that may not always be visible or recognised by organisation, but that significantly contribute to organisational achievements and relationships. Life based learning acknowledges the importance of personal values and foundation truths and their profound effect on work and culture. 


The research identified the need to adopt a strength based (rather than a deficit based) orientation to capability development in a life based learning context. Through life based learning, we acknowledge and value multiple sources of learning that open up opportunities for developing our capability. The challenge is how to recognise, capture, support and utilise this more open-ended approach for the benefit of both the individual and the organisation. As boundaries between work and learning increasingly blur, we need to have more positive and holistic approaches in the workplace that provide for a greater balance between creativity and standardisation.


Maret is Senior Consultant with Mindful Creations in Sydney Australia which offers services in group facilitation, action research and change strategies. Maret has previously worked in organisations in senior positions in workforce capability development, professional development and training. She is recognised for her skills in group facilitation, writing, synthesis and strategic thinking and planning. In 2005-06 Maret project managed an innovative research project in the vocational education and training sector; "Life Based Learning - A strength based approach for capability development in vocational and technical education".  


Life-Based Learning Executive Summary


Life-Based Learning Research Report 


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