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Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 8 years, 3 months ago


Learning to be Professional through a Higher Education 

Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education (SCEPTrE) 



This wiki explores the idea of learning to be professional in the context of undergraduate higher education designs that set out to develop professional as well as academic capability. It is one of a series of wikis established by SCEPTrE to explore the theme of learning for a complex world.  The SCEPTrE project finished in March 2011 but this wiki and the learning enterprise it supports, is being sustained by the not for profit Lifewide Education Community. If you would like to contribute a chapter to the e-book or donate or link to any other resource, please contact Professor Norman Jackson normanjjackson@btinternet.com. I apologise for the loss of video content. The SCEPTrE YouTube channel was deleted by someone and all the resources have been lost.



SCEPTrE's work on the idea of lifewide

education is summarised in this book

published by AuthorHouse.



Archived Seminars  35 seminars recorded

Conference Spring 2010:    Enabling a More Complete Education

Symposium September 2010  'Educating for the Real World' 

University of Surrey approach to the development of professional capability 


e-book Learning to be Professional through a Higher Education e-book

27 chapters now available - further contributions welcomed. Over 10,000 downloads!! 


Example chapters

Learning to be Professional: reflections on a lifetime of trying

John Cowan, Edinburgh Napier University (September 2009) 

How Professionals Learn through Work

Michael Eraut, University of Sussex (October 2009)

In Search of Professionalism

Jenny Willis (December 2009)

Locating Immersive Experience in Experiential Learning

David Boud (February 2010) 

How do values underpin professionalism? An approach to explore values in Engineering education

Caroline Baillie, Yamun Nahar, George Catalano and Eric Feinblatt  (February 2010)

Developing professional capability at the University of Surrey

Jenny Willis (March 2010)

The Balance between Communities and Personal Agency: Transferring and integrating knowledge and know-how between different communities and contexts 

Michael Eraut (April 2010)



A Model for Personal Professionalism:Notes to stimulate discussion

Richard Beal, independent management consultant (October 2011)

Helping Learners Develop the Means to Deal with Challenging Relationships in Work Placements:The importance of creativity

Peter Alcott, University of Surrey (May 2011)

Improving the quality of work placements

Michael Eraut, University of Sussex and SCEPTrE  (April 2011)

  The Edge of Reality: Challenges facing educators using simulation to supplement students’ lived experience 

Edward Errington James Cook University Queensland, Australia (April 2011)

 Assessing the Complexity of Professional Achievement

Mantz Yorke (March 2011)

  As close as it gets: Developing professional identity through the potential of scenario-based learning

Edward Errington James Cook University Queensland, Australia (February 2011)

Reflection: a key personal agency for learning to be a professional?

Ursula Lucas, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England (January 2011)

 Developing Professional Attitudes and Capability through an Arts Experience Documentary Film Making Project

Jeremy Barham, Lois Davis, and Julia Carey, University of Surrey  (December 2010) 

Learning to be a self-regulating professional: the role of personal development planning (PDP)

Norman Jackson, University of Surrey (November 2010)  


Other Articles 

Learning through Work Placements and Beyond

Brenda Little and Lee Harvey

A report for HECSU and the Higher Education Academy’s Work Placements Organisation Forum July 2006

Published by the Higher Education Academy



Congratulations to CoLab

We are proud that the work of our CoLab student organisation in supporting students, academic staff and departments at the University of Surrey has now been recognised through a national Case Study. The JiSC-funded SLiDA project investigated how institutions are creating and enabling opportunities that promote the development of effective learning in a digital age



Shared practices and resources

We encourage and welcome contributions to the wiki. If you would like to contribute your perspectives to our Learning to be Professional through a Higher Education filmed seminars or a Chapter in our e-Book please contact Norman.Jackson@surrey.ac.uk 


Norman Creaney shares his resources 

Your ethical scenarios and 'knols' are great!           oyunlar1

Thanks for sharing them.  

Preparing students for placement in a time of recesion





 Jake's digital story of learning to be professional through work placement 



Surrey students give their views on what being professional

means after their year long work placement






These organisations supported SCEPTrE's work






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Lifewide Education 

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