Digital Story Academy


Digital Story Telling Academy


Promotional leaflet and booking form


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Helping students and working professionals reflect on the experience-rich situations they encounter in order to create deeper, more integrated and meaningful understandings is one of the challenges facing higher education and the world of work as we grapple with the forms of awareness and capability that are required in a modern complex world. This Digital Story Telling Academy is intended to provide an introduction to the concept and techniques of digital story telling and to examine some of the ways that this technique could be used to support reflective learning and meaning making in the process of learning to be professional in higher education or being a more effective professional in the work place.


The purpose of the Digital Story Academy is to provide an opportunity for people to learn about how digital stories might be used in higher education and the professional work place and to learn how to make and evaluate a digital story. At the end of the process we anticipate that participants will :

·        Know what a digital story is and have been exposed to a number of illustrative examples

·        Know how they might be used in higher education and seen an example of use in a professional work setting.

·        Understand the process of creating a digital story and have made their own

·        Use some tool to evaluate the representations or learning and identity contained in example digital stories


Facilitation team

·        Jane Leng, Director of Studies- Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care Practice, Leader for Adult Branch Nursing Degree and SCEPTrE Fellow

·        Martin Jenkins, Academic Manager, Centre for Active Learning, University of Gloucestershire

·        Professor Paul Thomas Clinical Director, Ealing Primary Care Trust (and PCT colleagues)



10.00                      Registration / coffee SCEPTrE 03/AC03


10.30                      Welcome and introduction to the process


What’s a digital story?

Jane and Martin will share examples to illustrate the range of ways in which digital stories might be used in higher education.


12.00                      Making a digital story part 1: You will be introduced to the technology and using the materials you have brought you will create your own story. Martin and Jane will introduce the process and will introduce the technology.


13.00                      Lunch


13.30                      Public launch and demonstration of new digital story telling website



13.40                      Making a digital story part 2: You will complete your digital story and if you are happy to share it, you will be able to upload it to the new digital story telling website 


14.30                      'Using Digital Stories in Professional Work Environments: Team Working Case Study from a Primary Care Trust. Professor Paul Thomas and PCT colleagues


14.30                      Evaluating digital stories : How do we evaluate the learning and meaning making contained in a digital story? Martin Jenkins will introduce some approaches to evaluation and consider how we might develop new evaluation tools that are fit for specific purposes.


16.15                      Finish




Digital Story Synthesis website 









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