Developing a professional identity

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Provisional Selves: Experimenting With Image and Identity in Professional Adaptation

by Herminia Ibarra

Organizational scholars have long agreed that changes in a person's work role are accompanied by changes in their professional identity — the set of attributes, beliefs, values, motives and experiences by which they define themselves in their professional lives. Herminia Ibarra's research into professional identity reveals three basic tasks in the transition of professionals to more senior roles: 1) observing role models to identify potential identities; 2) experimenting with provisional selves; and 3) evaluating experience against internal standards and external feedback. Are these processes also involved in the earliest formation of professional identity as students begin working in real professional work environments? 

Experimenting with image and identity in professional adaptation.doc


Ethics and the Development of Professional Identities of Engineering Students

by Michael Loui

Development of Professional Identities of Engineering Students.pdf


Managing your professional image

by Mallory Stark

Creating a Positive Professional Image.doc

An interview with professor Laura Morgan Roberts