
Designing for professional capability

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 15 years, 1 month ago

This wiki contains resources for people who want to create curricular designs that encourage professional attitudes and facilitate development of professional capability. The resources are intended to help teachers in the early stages of their careers but they might also be useful to more experienced teachers. If you would like to contribute additional resources please contact the wiki owner Professor Norman Jackson norman.jackson@surrey.ac.uk.


1) Seminar/workshop design

2) Pre-session questionnaire How do we develop our professional capability to be a good teacher?

3) Powerpoint slides

4) Curriculum Guide: Designing for Professional Capability

5) Podcast (afterChristmas)

6) Ideas of participants



Learning to be Professional: Reflective thoughts on a life-time of trying Professor John Cowan

Our own life experiences, from which we will have learnt what becoming professional means, can provide us with a fantastic resource from which to create good educational designs. This Chapter is based on my own reflections on how I learnt (and still learn) to become professional, in four different professional fields. Out of these reflections I have gradually extracted some general propositions and principles for educational designs which I believe are more likely to be encouraging and effective in assisting learners to begin the process of becoming professional while they are studying in higher education.


How Professionals Learn through Work Professor Michael Eraut

Until we understand how professionals actually learn as they go about their everyday work we cannot fully comprehend what we need to do to help students develop capability for the professional environments they will work in. In this Chapter draw together the insights I have gained through two decades of research into how professionals learn through work as a precursor to addressing the challenge of how we might improve the way in which we support students on their professional work placements.


In Search of Professionalism Dr Jenny Willis

Equating professionalism with employability is simplistic and fails to address the complex mixture of knowledge, its practical application, generic skills, personal qualities and dispositions required of professionals.  The Chapter discusses the difficulties of planning learning opportunities to support the development of these skills and characteristics and the contentious nature of their assessment.   By comparing the intended learning outcomes with those that students perceive they have achieved during their professional placements, the research developed a conceptualisation of employability.  This builds upon Eraut’s (2007) notion of learning trajectories (CHAPTER A2) and Barnett’s (2003) recognition of the supercomplexity of today’s world. The model can be used by curriculum planners and also enables learners and teachers to monitor individual professional development.


Learning about professional learning: a curriculum where ‘self’ takes precedence over ‘action’ and ‘knowledge’ (in medicine)?

Chris Trevitt, Centre for Educational Development and Academic Methods Australian NationalUniversity

Chandi Perera Clinical lecturer, MedicalSchool, Australian National University

Chief Medical Registrar, The CanberraHospital

Recent work on conceptualising the curriculum in higher education has posited a three-way mix across the domains of knowledge, action and the self. In this paper we use this broad theoretical framework as a viewpoint to retrospectively inquire into the nature and intimate ‘learning about professional learning’ experience of one mid-career medical physician (Chandi) committed to becoming a professional medical educator. The way of thinking described in the paper has implications for other practising professionals.



Surrey students give their views on what being professional

means after their year long work placement

YouTube plugin error


 Curriculum vignettes Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN)

These vignettes describe different approaches and disciplinary contexts for combining and integrating learning through work and disciplinary study.



Teacher Education Professional Experience


Field Placements in Human Services


Study of live consultative and deliberative projects


Exercise Science Field Project


Occupational Therapy Abroad


Internships in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations


Urban Development, and Engineering


Innocence Project


Virtual Placement Project (VPP)


Legal Clinic and Advanced Family Law Clinic (AFLC)


There’s more than one way to net a barramundi!


Industry-Based Learning (IBL)


Industrial Affiliates Program (IAP)


Business Advantage Program


WIL in Health


Graduate Attributes and Extra-curricular Activity


Careers in the Curriculum


Professional Employment Program


WIL courses in Business (Management)


Business Systems Cooperative Education Program


Design Centre, Honours and Masters Program at the Faculty of Design


Final Year Experience


Assessment support


Trends in WIL


Journalism Internships


Creative Industries Transitions


Paramedic Degree Programs: a university and industry partnership


International Business Internship/Practicum


A WIL framework for a resource limited environment


Professional Practice in Criminology and Criminal Justice



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