Barry Cooper

Personal journeys across regulatory tramlines: Dilemmas of professional learning in social work

Barry Cooper & Maggie Pickering, Faculty of Health & Social Care, The Open University


This paper draws upon research carried out by the presenters over the last two years and examines the dilemmas addressed by three of the conference themes: learning to be professional; reflection as an essential skill for professional learning; and the influence of regulation in shaping what this means. Some of the results from two connected enquiries, funded by the Practice-Based Professional Learning Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning at the Open University, will be presented: Firstly, an enquiry into the experiences of professional transitions by students undertaking courses that lead into the social work degree and the discovery of Personal Construct Psychology [PCP] as a reflective tool par excellence for learner-centred engagement within the process of the investigations; second the resulting pilot of a set of tools to focus specifically upon their use within social work practice learning.


The first half of the presentation will discuss the advantages of Personal Construct Psychology as a methodological approach that starts from the way that the learner sees themselves and key aspects of their social world and learning environment. There will be examples of the research tools used and some of the dilemmas arising from the outcomes such as the influence of national occupational standards as an imposed framework that shapes and contains the learning experience. The second half of the presentation will offer examples of stories from the personal learning journeys being undertaken by participants within the investigations. These will be broadly structured:

·          Pursuing the personal: some emerging themes from phase 1 dialogues

·          Capturing the personal: phase 2 constructs and self-generated learning

